COM-HR Newsletter…coming soon!

As part of our commitment to provide ample communication and support to all COM departments and administrators, we are eager to seek your input.  Your response to the 5-minute survey below will help in the usage, design, and content development for the creation of our COM-HR newsletter.  The purpose of this internal communication tool will be to provide specialized information:

  • highlighting a variety of HR topics of interest
  • featuring “what’s new” and updates across COM
  • providing an opportunity to highlight employee recognitions
  • fostering a greater sense of community across departments

This newsletter will be a COM-HR focused publication, inclusive of your needs and ideas.  In fact, we welcome your suggestions for possible topics like: employee spotlight to get to know someone from the COM-HR team, department features, regular process updates, and sharing of best practices.  Plus, you will also have an opportunity to suggest a suitable name for our publication!

Thank you for taking a few minutes to provide us with your valuable feedback, it is greatly appreciated.



COM Newsletter Input