Retired Faculty
2019-2020 Calendar of Events
Below please find the dates for our 2019 College of Medicine, Retired faculty seminars. We will continue to meet from noon to 1pm, (buffet lunch available at 11:45am), at the Wilmot Gardens.
Barry J Byrne MD., PhD
Professor of Pediatrics and Molecular Genetics & Microbiology
Director, Powell Gene Therapy Center, Earl and Christy Powell University Chair in Genetics
“Advances in gene therapy for rare diseases”
Anthony Gonzalez PhD.
Professor of Astronomy
“Galaxy clusters over cosmic time”
Gavin Naylor PhD.
Director, Florida Program for Shark Research, Curator Florida Museum of Natural History
“Why are there so many different forms of life?”
Scott A. Higginbotham
Mission Manager, NASA
We look forward to seeing you soon!