Medical Faculty Certificate Application Checklist

All applications for Medical Faculty Certificates are submitted to the Dean’s Office for review and processing.


_____ **Check ($500 application fee/$429 licensure fee,) (can be 1 check made payable to the Florida Board of Medicine) There is also a $48 fingerprint processing fee if fingerprints have not yet been taken. Additionally, the Board is required to collect on intial application, the Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Assessment (NICA) Non-Participating Physician – $250 ($1,227 total)

_____ **Proper/legible copy (see helpful hints) of medical school diploma. Medical school verificaton is also required; verificaton form is included in MFC application.

_____ Proper/legible copy(s) of internship/residency certificates. If certificate not available, there must be letter from program director certifying successful completion

_____ (2) Letters of Recommendation addressed to: Florida Board of Medicine (letters must be less than 6 months old)

_____ Certified transcripts from all medical schools/certified transcripts if needed (must be translated be certified translator if language other than English or Latin)

_____ Written verification from state board of any licenses (active or inactive). Letters must be on state letterhead with state seal and original authorized signature; be aware that many states now charge a fee for this

_____ **Letter from physician stating all states licensed in (active or inactive)

_____ If applicant has been in military, Florida Board requires a copy of discharge papers.

_____ **A recent photograph (must be less than 6 months old/not Polaroid)

_____ **Date of birth, place of birth and Social Security number

_____ Any name change involved (marriage, divorce) must include certified documents (marriage certificate, divorce decree, etc.)

_____ A recent Curriculum Vitae (CV)

_____ Financial responsibility and confirmation of completion of Continuing Medical Education form. Please note that effective July 1, 2006, applicants for MFC’s are no longer required to show proof of a course in HIV/AIDS or Domestic Violence as part of the initial licensure process, but are required to have a CME course in the Prevention of Medical Errors prior to issuance of a MFC. (Form is included on web as part of MFC application)

_____ A properly executed fingerprint card must be submitted with application (Blank fingerprint cards are available in the Office of Administration Services)

_____ Request to National Practitioner Data Bank and Healthcare Integrity and Protection Databank for a self query,which then must be forwarded to Board (fee is charged for this information). For additional information visit web-site at  or by phone (800) 767-6732, Box 10832, Chantilly VA 22021

_____ **Request to AMA for Profile Form(must be requested/signed by physician) (fee is charged for this information)

  •  Print the form from the web and fill out

** Note: minimum documents required to initially submit MFC application to Dean’s Office


_____ Letter of request from Department Chair addressed to Dean explaining circumstances

_____ Check ($391 renewal) (includes $26 background check fee, FDLE check and $5.00 unlicensed activity fee). Check is made payable to the Florida Board of Medicine.

_____ Written verification from state board of any licenses (active or inactive/) Note: at least one must remain active). Letters must be on state letterhead with state seal and original authorized signature; be aware that many states now charge a fee for this ( list of state boards included )

_____ Florida Board requires check/search with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement for renewals

  • Florida Department of Law Enforcement Name Search Information Form: PDF : Word

_____ Financial Responsibility and confirmation of completion of Continuing Medical Education

  • Print the form from the web and fill out: PDF

_____ Florida Board requires a Medicaid Program Questionnaire

_____ A recent Curriculum Vitae (CV)