Space Request Form

Space Request Form for COM Administration Space (Non-Research)

Please fill out this form as completely as possible to ensure timely review of your space request by the COM Space Advisory Committee (SAC). Should you have any questions about this form, please contact

General Information

Contact Name

Reason for Request

Please check a space request reason and use the box below to give a description.
MM slash DD slash YYYY

For your request, please list the number needed next to each space type:

Number of staff to be accommodated:

Proposed Location, if known:


Additional Information

Telecommunications- Each building utilizes a standard phone service (NEC or Cisco). If your current phone service is different from the phone service provided by your new location, you will need to change your phone service to match the new location. Additional costs and/or the assignment of a new phone number may be required. Please indicate your current desktop phone type.
Max. file size: 125 MB.